Project: DIY

Project: DIY

How many times have you seen a post on Instagram, a pin on Pinterest, or even watched a neighbor or friend complete a project that you yourself wanted to do but never got around to it?

I’m guilty and I know I’m not the only one 😉

In her book Girl, Wash Your Face Rachel Hollis wrote “Create as a gift to yourself and to the higher power who blessed you with those abilities.”

After reading this I realized what great a gift creating is! If you are able to create, you have a mind capable of imagining and processing. Creating reminds us of what a gift it is to be alive while also reminding us of the greater power. I honestly think some of my most favorite moments in life have been when I’ve created something. It’s not just a reward for myself but also a reminder of who I was made in the image of, our Heavenly Father!

Since I was little I have loved to craft. I think I owned more boxes of crayons, paints, and markers than anyone else I knew. Once I “grew up” adult life took over and it was until recently when I made it a priority to create that I realized how much creating is a part of my identity. I have to create!

I’m excited to work on some DIY projects. My Pinterest board won’t even know what hit it 🙂 What kinds of DIY projects would you like to see?

Nicole Hughes

One thought on “Project: DIY

  1. Love this idea and everything you have said. Can’t wait to follow your project based life and work on things myself.

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